title: Apache Mesos - Quota layout: documentation


When multiple users are sharing a cluster, the operator may want to set limits on how many resources each user can use. Quota addresses this need and allows operators to set these limits on a per-role basis.

Supported Resources

The following resources have quota support:

  • cpus
  • mem
  • disk
  • gpus
  • any custom resource of type SCALAR

The following resources do not have quota support:

  • ports
  • any custom resource of type RANGES or SET

Updating Quotas

By default, every role has no resource limits. To modify the resource limits for one or more roles, the v1 API UPDATE_QUOTA call is used. Note that this call applies the update in an all-or-nothing manner, so that if one of the role's quota updates is invalid or unauthorized, the entire request will not go through.


curl --request POST \
     --url http://<master-ip>:<master-port>/api/v1/ \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '{
               "type": "UPDATE_QUOTA",
               "update_quota": {
                 "force": false,
                 "quota_configs": [
                     "role": "dev",
                     "limits": {
                       "cpus": { "value": 10 },
                       "mem":  { "value": 2048 },
                       "disk": { "value": 4096 }
                     "role": "test",
                     "limits": {
                       "cpus": { "value": 1 },
                       "mem":  { "value": 256 },
                       "disk": { "value": 512 }
  • Note that the request will be denied if the current quota consumption is above the provided limit. This check can be overriden by setting force to true.
  • Note that the master will attempt to rescind a sufficient number of offers to ensure that the role cannot exceed its limits.

Viewing Quotas

Web UI

The 'Roles' tab in the web ui displays resource accounting information for all known roles. This includes the configured quota and the quota consumption.


There are several endpoints for viewing quota related information.

The v1 API GET_QUOTA call will return the quota configuration:

$ curl --request POST \
     --url http://<master-ip>:<master-port>/api/v1/ \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --data '{ "type": "GET_QUOTA" }'


  "type": "GET_QUOTA",
  "get_quota": {
    "status": {
      "infos": [
          "configs" : [
              "role": "dev",
              "limits": {
                "cpus": { "value": 10.0 },
                "mem":  { "value": 2048.0 },
                "disk": { "value": 4096.0 }
              "role": "test",
              "limits": {
                "cpus": { "value": 1.0 },
                "mem":  { "value": 256.0 },
                "disk": { "value": 512.0 }

To also view the quota consumption, use the /roles endpoint:

$ curl http://<master-ip>:<master-port>/roles


  "roles": [
      "name": "dev",
      "weight": 1.0,
        "role": "dev",
        "limit": {
          "cpus": 10.0,
          "mem":  2048.0,
          "disk": 4096.0
        "consumed": {
          "cpus": 2.0,
          "mem":  1024.0,
          "disk": 2048.0
      "allocated": {
        "cpus": 2.0,
        "mem":  1024.0,
        "disk": 2048.0
      "offered": {},
      "reserved": {
        "cpus": 2.0,
        "mem":  1024.0,
        "disk": 2048.0
      "frameworks": []

Quota Consumption

A role's quota consumption consists of its allocations and reservations. In other words, even if reservations are not allocated, they are included in the quota consumption. Offered resources are not charged against quota.


The following metric keys are exposed for quota:

  • allocator/mesos/quota/roles/<role>/resources/<resource>/guarantee
  • allocator/mesos/quota/roles/<role>/resources/<resource>/limit
  • A quota consumption metric will be added via MESOS-9123.

Deprecated: Quota Guarantees

Prior to Mesos 1.9, the quota related APIs only exposed quota "guarantees" which ensured a minimum amount of resources would be available to a role. Setting guarantees also set implicit quota limits. In Mesos 1.9+, quota limits are now exposed directly per the above documentation.

Quota guarantees are now deprecated in favor of using only quota limits. Enforcement of quota guarantees required that Mesos holds back enough resources to meet all of the unsatisfied quota guarantees. Since Mesos is moving towards an optimistic offer model (to improve multi-role / multi- scheduler scalability, see MESOS-1607), it will become no longer possible to enforce quota guarantees by holding back resources. In such a model, quota limits are simple to enforce, but quota guarantees would require a complex "effective limit" propagation model to leave space for unsatisfied guarantees.

For these reasons, quota guarantees, while still functional in Mesos 1.9, are now deprecated. A combination of limits and priority based preemption will be simpler in an optimistic offer model.

For documentation on quota guarantees, please see the previous documentation: https://github.com/apache/mesos/blob/1.8.0/docs/quota.md

Implementation Notes

  • Quota is not supported on nested roles (e.g. eng/prod).
  • During failover, in order to correctly enforce limits, the allocator will be paused and will not issue offers until at least 80% agents re-register or 10 minutes elapses. These parameters will be made configurable: MESOS-4073
  • Quota is SUPPORTED for the default * role now MESOS-3938.