Binary Packages

Downloading the Mesos RPM

Download and install the latest stable CentOS7 RPM binary from the Repository:

$ cat > /tmp/aventer.repo <<EOF
#aventer-mesos-el - packages by mesos from aventer
name=AVENTER stable repository $releasever

$ sudo mv /tmp/aventer.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/aventer.repo

$ sudo yum update

$ sudo yum install mesos

The above instructions show how to install the latest version of Mesos for RHEL 7. Substitute baseurl the with the appropriate URL for your operating system.

Start Mesos Master and Agent.

The RPM installation creates the directory /var/lib/mesos that can be used as a work directory.

Start the Mesos master with the following command:

$ mesos-master --work_dir=/var/lib/mesos

On a different terminal, start the Mesos agent, and associate it with the Mesos master started above:

$ mesos-agent --work_dir=/var/lib/mesos --master=

This is the simplest way to try out Mesos after downloading the RPM. For more complex and production setup instructions refer to the Administration section of the docs.